Chopsuey (Filipino Recipe)

Chopsuey (Filipino Recipe)
Dinengdeng nga Kardis
Ginisang Kardis
Katuray Flower Recipe – Ensaladang Katuray “Katuday Salad” and Other Katuday Recipes. The flower of “katuday” in Ilocano, “katuray” in Tagalog and corkwood tree in English is famous in Ilocos region as a healthy food to eat especially for those who have a hypertension.
Ginisang Bitsuelas Beans “Inggisa nga Bukel ti Lubias” (Sauteed White Kidney Beans or Cannellini Beans Stew)
Ginataang gabi or laing is a well-loved lutuing bahay in our family. We like it slightly spicy, so we match it with siling labuyo and grilled siling haba that add to our appetite. 🙂
Egg With Ampalaya/Bitter Gourd (Filipino Recipe)
Chicken Broccoli Recipe
Vegetable Curry With Quail Eggs is a dish that I recently invented so I’m sharing it here for everyone to try it also. It’s a combination of of carrots, cabbage, green bell pepper, celery, quail eggs and chicken liver and gizzard.
Dinengdeng-Sinampalukang Puso ng Saging at Bunga ng Singkamas (Stewed Banana Blossom and Jicama Fruit Soured with Tamarind Fruit – Native Ilocano-Filipino Dish)