Author Archives: Mymy

Chicken Pork Adobo

Chicken pork adobo is just one of my many variations of adobo recipes. I have chicken adobo, pork adobo, chicken gizzard and liver adobo, adobong sitaw (long/string beans), adobong palaka etc. 🙂

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Pancit Canton Guisado

Pancit canton guisado or any kind of pancit is one of my most favorite dishes. I can actually eat pancit everyday without getting tired of it provided that there is a variation of flavor.

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Buko Pandan Dessert

Buko pandan dessert is my favorite comfort food dessert. I usually make this dessert every new year’s eve, birthday celebrations and every time I crave for it. It’s easy to make yet it’s so yummy and comforting. The tasty buko, the aroma of pandan and its creaminess are just so tempting that I couldn’t resist.

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Nilagang Rabong at Baka – Bamboo Shoots and Beef Stew

Nilagang rabong or bamboo shoots at baka is one of my many favorite seasonal vegetable dishes. I also like dinengdeng (stewed bamboo shoots with fish bagoong) na rabong with saluyot or jutes and grilled bangus (milk fish).

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