Category Archives: fish

Dinengdeng na Bunga ng Singkamas

Dinengdeng na bunga ng singkamas o dinengdeng ken sinamapalukan nga bunga ti lingkamas or in English, it can be translated as stewed jicama or yam bean or Mexican turnip fruit.

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Fried Galunggong – Prito nga Bulilit

Fried galunggong is an all-time favorite dish of a Filipino…especially if it’s crunchy and the size is just right. You can practically eat even the head of each fish! 🙂 I can say that you’re not a real Filipino if you don’t like fried galunggong.

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Dinengdeng nga Kardis – Ilocano Recipe

Dinengdeng nga Kardis. It is called kardis among Ilocanos, “kadyos” for the Tagalogs and pigeon pea or red gram or Congo peas in English. I tried searching the internet about the scientific name and it’s Cajanus Cajan.

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Daing na Dilis (Dried Fish)

Daing na Dilis (Dried Fish)
To achieve a perfect crunchiness of daing na dilis, deep fry it under low heat/fire for 2-3 minutes. Serve with fresh, sliced tomatoes or sukang iloko. 🙂

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Daing nga Bagsang – Daing na Sapsap (Dried Pony Fish)

Daing nga bagsang – Daing na Sapsap is one of a typical breakfast for a typical Filipino paired with freshly sliced tomatoes. For me, one of the best! It’s yummy and nutritious!

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Homemade Fishballs

Homemade Fishballs. There is a particular season in the Philippines wherein galunggong fish is abundant and its price in the market is relatively cheap.

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