Tag Archives: sweet potato

Kamote Que (Fried and Sugar Coated Sweet Potato)

Kamote que, banana-Q, bitso-bitso, turon, maruya, lumpia, tokneneng etc. are common street foods that can be bought in any public market in Northern Luzon or I think all over the Philippines.

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Dinengdeng Buridibod nga Marunggay, Bungon ken Katuday

Dinengdeng Buridibod nga Marunggay, Bungon/Alukon ken Katuday. Buridibod is the term we, Ilocanos, use when a dinengdeng or inabraw (Ilocano, soupy dish with mix of different kinds of vegetables plus fried or grilled fish, flavored with bagoong or fish sauce) uses kamote (sweet potato) as the main ingredient.

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