Tag Archives: parya

Pinakbet or Pakbet Ilocano Recipe

Pinakbet or Pakbet originated in Ilocos Region. It is a dish of mixed vegetables like ampalaya (bitter gourd), sitaw (long beans), talong (eggplant), okra, and kalabasa (squash). The Ilocano way of cooking pinakbet uses fish bagoong sauce instead of bagoong alamang. I also add patani in it to have a better aroma and to make it tastier. Sometimes, when I cook litson kawali, I set aside some slices to mix with my pinakbet the following day. For the recipe of my litson kawali, click here (Litson Kawali Recipe). Here’s the Ilocano style pinakbet or pakbet…

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Ginisang Bitsuelas Beans

Ginisang Bitsuelas Beans “Inggisa nga Bukel ti Lubias” (Sauteed White Kidney Beans or Cannellini Beans Stew)

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