This project aims to introduce Arduino in the most basic way that is fun for kids. My kids are into Mario Bros. and the best way to pique their interest is to play some Mario Bros. tones.
On the Arduino Duemilanove, I connected the (+) positive pin of the Piezo Buzzer to pin 9 and connected the (-) negative pin to the ground.

I opened the supermariobros sketch from, copy and paste it to the Arduino IDE. I changed the code from
int buzzer = 11;
int buzzer = 9;
I connected the Arduino to my computer and selected the correct board and port. I then uploaded the sketch. Check the short video below on this work.
There are other sketches that you can try out aside from the Super Mario Bros. theme. Go check and try them out. We did and we had fun.
If you have any questions, feedback, or comments, feel free to leave me a message in the comment section below.
List of Material
- Arduino Duemilanove or Arduino Uno R3
- Piezo Buzzer
- Wires